Friday, February 10, 2017

Week 16: Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies

Homemade peanut butter, here we come!! I was so looking forward to this :D Unfortunately two people in our flat couldn't have this recipe, being Sophie and Pamela, because of either a nut allergy, or being 90% vegan. Nevertheless, it was in the cook book. And I was secretly very happyL More for me!! ;)
Jennifer checking the recipe before we started going. TIP GUYS: THE RECIPE IS THERE TO HELP!!!! Hint, Hint ... Pamela ;) 
Setting out the ingredients ready to get mixing 
The next step was my job: blitzing the peanuts till it was butter. Apparently not that difficult...

Background story: Jennifer and I had just been to TESCO to get the ingredients right before we made this, but we met with difficulty. Because I bought cashew nuts, instead of peanuts ;) 

Note to everyone: Laura is not good in TESCO. Her eyes get dry, and all she wants to do is get out of the shop. So don't rely on her ;) 

So ... that meant that we had to go to the COOPERATIVE on the way home to uni, and when we were there it started snowing/hailing. And the kids went crazy ;) haha

So, to blitz the peanuts I put them all in the smoothie maker. I then turned it on until it made a weird sound, supposedly meaning that it had blitzed everything and there was nothing left to blitz. I then unscrewed the smoothie maker, and the peanuts were all mushed up in a ball, not like peanut butter was supposed to be... 

So I looked at the recipe :))) The recipe said that if it didn't come together as a butter, you should add some oil. There is usually naturally oils that come out of the peanuts, but since we had gotten roasted peanuts there was no natural oil. So I added extra oil, and it looked like peanut butter. YAY!! 

Mixing all the ingredients together

It was looking so yummy :D 
The final product!! Sophie was so annoyed that she couldn't taste it!!
Sophie had friends over the night we made the cookies. They must have really like them, because in the morning there was only half of the cookies left ;) 

Till next time,

The Baking Students xx

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