Saturday, December 10, 2016

Week 7: Flapjack

So as we all gathered around the table for Christmas pudding last Sunday, handed out our Secret Santa presents, and asked if anyone would like a pot of tea, we explored the options that we had for dessert. The amount was beyond what we could eat in one night, just us 6 students, but you-know ... It can last maybe two nights ;) 

Sophie has a 6-foot Christmas tree that she brought to university. And so when we all gathered in the kitchen at around 9 pm we started by all garnishing the tree with firstly lights, which were a tad confusing for Pamela to remember which way to wind around the tree, then the baubles, which had to be done in the correct "balanced method" leaving no awkward gaps. I contributed by changing the location of one of the baubles to best suit the balance of the tree. I considered my move very important for the over-all look ;) 

Here we all are - gathered around the Christmas tree :)
 So the next thing we did after the photoshoot with the most awesome Christmas tree we gave out our Secret Santa presents.

Secret Santa giving ;) I was so touched with my awesome present from Pamela!! It was a heart-shaped red casserole pot (which I use for baking bread), and inside where 24 Christmas notes with bible verses on each!! <3 

After all the lovely gift opening we moved on to the all important eating and tea drinking :D The array was Christmas cake and flapjack, both made by Jennifer, Tiramisu, made by Caroline, and Chocolate tea, made by me ;) 

Jennifer's amazing Christmas cake with her's and Sophie's Christmas cards for me. 
Caroline dishing up here terrific Tiramisu!! Oh, and did you notice the bonbons? They are coming up next :) 
Here is how Jennifer made her Flapjack, which was Martha's recipe:

The final product :)
After the eating, when we were all feeling jolly and a bit full (just a bit) we moved on to the Bonbons!! (or Christmas crackers as they are called here). I pulled mine with Pamela. She really wanted to get the yoyo toy, and amazingly she got it!! She was so happy :) 

Till next time,

The Baking Students


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