Monday, December 12, 2016

Week 8: Chocolate Ganache Filled Vanilla Cake

I remember feeling very excited about this cake!! It would be the first cake we would be making from Martha's book!!

So as we had some left-over ganache lying around (as per usual with all of us bakers in the flat ;)) I decided to make Martha's vanilla cake and layer it with the ganache. I wasn't sure how it would work, but I can now tell you that it was amazing!! I am wishing I had it right now in front of me ;) haha. 

This is how the baking started:

Our awesome flat decorated for Christmas; spread with Martha's cookbook, Christmas carols playing on my laptop and a cake tin (that was too big and so hence we didn't use;)) 
Jennifer and I decided that it would be better to use a smaller slice tin that is a square shape rather than a  circular tin that is too big, so we greased those and layered them with baking paper. 

Jennifer then got to making her layer of the cake, and I got on to mine:

Jennifer's awesome mixing stance ;)
The most spectacular Christmas window display ;) haha
Putting my layer of the cake in the oven
Heating up water to melt the ganache (which was solid because it was stored in the fridge)
I then decided to whip up the ganache, as that is what we did in one of Martha's recipe, so that it would be thicker and easier to spread onto the cake :) 

The finished product!!
It was delicious!!!!!
Till next time, 

The Baking Students 


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