Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Week 11: Cinnamon Sugar Pretzel Sticks

This recipe is definitely my favourite in a while :) I was staying at my grandparent's place during my holidays, and thought I would try something really new, so I decided to give this a go ;) It ended up that my mum, grandmother, and I were all working together to get these done. It was such fun!!

So firstly I had to make the dough, and let it rise for two hours.

Here I am in my great grandmother's apron in my grandmother's kitchen about to start folding the dough after letting it rise for two hours :)
Folding the dough
And it was sticking to the table :(
More attempts at folding
Until my grandmother came in and helped me wipe the table with more and more oil ;) (That is what the recipe said to do). This made the dough less sticky and easier to work with.

Cutting up the dough into many little sticks
That is what they are supposed to look like ;) I think ...
I then had to place them for 30 seconds in a pan of simmering water and baking soda

My dad helped out a bit ;) hehe
The interesting technique of putting dough into the water, placing it on paper towelling, and then on a tray for the oven :D  It was very fun!
My grandmother, my mum and I <3 
The Sticks came out looking like little "Tiger Breads" ;)
Pretzel Sticks
Brushing the last lot of Pretzel Sticks with egg before putting them in the oven

You can then choose to either make a dip for the Sticks, or a sugar coating. 

I wanted to make a Caramel Gingerbread Dip, but we went through some difficulties trying to make the caramel...

Two times the caramel crystallised in the pan, and we have no idea why, so after a good sleep (and when my mind was not so annoyed at the sugar and water) I decided upon a Cinnamon Sugar coating ;)

The final product!!

The taste of these cuties was exactly like donuts ;) I would definitely recommend this to everyone!! It really isn't that difficult, it just takes time. 

Till next time,

The Baking Students



  1. They look great Laura. Now I am hungry. Could we have your dough recipe please ��x

    1. Thank you Tanja!! The recipe is from Martha Collison's cook book. I can't put it up here for copyright reasons ;) But I might be able to send it to you by private messaging ;)
